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Video List#

GET /api/video/

Video Item#

GET /api/video/<video_id>/
DELETE /api/video/<video_id>/

Video Comment#

GET /api/video/<video_id>/comment/

Video Similar#

GET /api/video/<video_id>/similar/

Video Progress#


Progress is stored for each user.

Get last player position of a video:
GET /api/video/<video_id>/progress/

    "youtube_id": "<video_id>",
    "user_id": 1,
    "position": 100

Update player position of video:
POST /api/video/<video_id>/progress/

    "position": 100

Delete player position:
DELETE /api/video/<video_id>/progress/


Integrate with sponsorblock

Get list of segments:
GET /api/video/<video_id>/sponsor/


Writing to Sponsorblock enpoints is only simulated for now and won't forward any requests. This needs some clever UI/UX implementation first.

Vote on existing segment:
POST /api/video/<video_id>/sponsor/

    "vote": {
        "uuid": "<uuid>",
        "yourVote": 1
yourVote needs to be int: 0 for downvote, 1 for upvote, 20 to undo vote

Create new segment POST /api/video/<video_id>/sponsor/

    "segment": {
        "startTime": 5,
        "endTime": 10
Timestamps either int or float, end time can't be before start time.